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10 Helpful Writing Tips for Parents and Kids!

For kids with specific learning and thinking differences, writing projects might be intimidating. For handling large projects, children may have a general strategy. They might not, however, be aware of how to divide a writing assignment into smaller parts when they are ready to begin writing it. As a parent you should be involved in your child's education and at times this may mean helping out with writing assignments. Homework, projects, and assignments can be great opportunities to bond and make memories with children. Here are a few helpful tips:

#1 What Am I Being Asked To Write?

Take a close look at the task. What kind of writing will be used? Is it a personal essay, a research project, or a critique of a book your kid has read? In the assignment, search for words like "compare," "discuss," or "share." Ensure that your youngster is aware of the requirements for writing of that nature.

#2 Task It Out

Before starting, your child needs to be familiar with every step of the writing process. The sections of the assignment will consist of these. Depending on the sort of assignment, some of the responsibilities could call on students to:

-Assemble information.

-Perform research or read.

-Note-taking (a visual organizer may be useful).

-A theme or thesis statement should be chosen.

-Make an outline (a visual organizer may be useful for this).

-Draft your writing.



Your youngster can make a schedule for carrying out the chores once they have chosen them. Help your child determine how much time is required for each one. Working backwards through the tasks, create a schedule for finishing the project. (Allow more time for tasks that might be particularly difficult for your child.)

At first, get ready to check in after every activity as well. When your youngster starts going, you can check in a few tasks later.

#3 Gather The Right Information

Talk about the knowledge your child needs to know and where it should come from. Ensure that your child has a copy of the book if the assignment is a book report. (If an audiobook is necessary, make sure your youngster has access to it as well.) In the case of a research paper, assist your youngster in locating trustworthy materials at the library or online.

#4 Seek Out Information

Encourage children to look for facts that they believe is important or that they are interested in. Reading and underlining make up this two-part assignment. Work with your kid to learn how to highlight text if they don't already know how.

After reading each page with your child, you might start by asking them to share with you what they feel is most significant. After that, you may make that knowledge stand out for your youngster.

#5 Making A Statement

The argument or major point that your child will be making in their writing project is stated in the thesis statement. Encourage your child to investigate and sort through ideas. Make careful to ask your youngster to share some of the details that contributed to the debate or issue in question. You might want to allot more time for this block depending on the learning and thinking styles of your youngster.

#6 Making A Outline

Outlines are produced by many graphic organizers for various types of papers. Although your youngster can arrange their notes to create one if they are using a device that doesn't have one. Even better, let your youngster arrange the notes by copying each note onto an index card. From beginning to end, the outline should tell the tale (or provide the argument).

#7 The Set Up

A template for this may be included with the visual organizer your youngster is using. You can also assist your youngster in completing it independently. Ask the teacher if they have provided a rubric or a handout that details the assignment.

Research articles, for instance, typically adopt a certain format. A thesis statement and an explanation of what will happen next are both found in the first paragraph.

The three sentences that follow elaborate on the thesis and include quotes or data to back it up. The thesis and the supporting details are summarized in the final paragraph.

#8 Draft It

It could be challenging to complete this portion all at once due to certain learning and cognitive limitations.

Choosing your child's approach to writing the actual paragraphs can be helpful. Establish a schedule that will allow your youngster to finish the writing. For instance, your youngster could write for thirty minutes at a time, taking pauses as needed. Another option is for your child to write one or two paragraphs at once.

#9 Review It, Make Adjustments and Re-Read It

Together, review the document to make sure it satisfies the requirements of the writing assignment. Assist your youngster in indicating where adjustments, clarifications, or errors need to be made.

You may decide to break down this method into its three parts since there are actually three steps. If so, go back to the general schedule and take that into account.

#10 Rewrite

Once you have re-read and the writing is all perfect. Your last step is to re-write it and make sure your child is comfortable reading and or explaining their work. This may mean taking time to practice reading and going over the final assignment.

By dividing assignments into manageable pieces, you can aid your youngster. However, there are further methods you may facilitate the writing process. Consider purchasing graphic organizers to assist children in organizing their ideas, notes, and outlines. And look into why certain children have trouble writing.


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